Platinum Freight Podcast

Importing Food Trucks & Food Trailers

Platinum Freight® Podcast | S1 Episode 9

Welcome to Season 1 Episode 9

In episode 9, Peter McRae discusses food truck trailers and how they are imported into Australia.

He explains the process of importing food truck trailers, including obtaining import approval, addressing government department requirements, and collecting the cargo from the sea freight depot.

Peter also highlights the specific issues that the Australian Border Force, Department of Agriculture, Department of Climate Change, Energy and Environment and Water focus on regarding food truck trailers.

Show Notes


  • Food truck trailers are typically imported into Australia by sea freight, either as less than a container load (LCL) or a full container load (FCL).
  • Importers need to obtain import approval from the Department of Infrastructure before shipping the goods.
  • Government departments such as the Australian Border Force, Department of Agriculture, Department of Climate Change, Energy and Environment and Water have specific requirements and regulations for food truck trailers.
  • Collecting LCL cargo from the sea freight depot is relatively easier compared to delivering FCL cargo to the commercial address.
  • Proper documentation, communication, and adherence to the import process are crucial to avoid unnecessary fees and complications.
  • Insurance is important to protect high-value goods during transit.

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