Customs Clearance
The term temporary imports refers to those goods which are to be in Australia for a short time and then exported. The Australian Customs and Border Protection Service (ACBPS) would generally ask for a monetary security to be undertaken by the importer for the expected duty and GST payable on the goods as if they were to remain in the country. The goods may be inspected upon entering and exiting Australia, once the goods have exited Australia and the necessary paperwork has been produced to Customs and they are satisfied that the goods have been exported, the security (money) is then returned by cheque or EFT.
Temporary imports and securities are time sensitive and therefore we ask that you allow us 5 working days to undertake the necessary work on your behalf before the goods are due to arrive into Australia.
As every temporary import and it’s applicable customs security is unique, we welcome you to contact us in regards to your project so that we may advise you accordingly in regards to the procedures, costs and requirements.
Carnets, to put it simply are like passports for goods which travel between countries; for example a customer may have a fashion collection which is to be shown at various countries and they do not wish to experience customs delays in each country. A carnet is established before the goods leave the home country; the goods can then travel freely without monetary fees needing to be paid for duty and GST in each country.