Our activities require us to attend to Customs, Quarantine, the ports, the airlines and to customers premises, this wide area of workplace safety needed to be encompassed early when setting up the business – our contractors such as cartage providers, customers and our own health and safety needed to be controlled, monitored and reviewed.
Our management system is integrated and works in accordance to AS/NZS 4801:2001 and AS/NZS ISO 9001:2000. This implementation has allowed us to control our OHS issues and to work beyond the standard. We currently send surveys bi-annually to our contractors in order to receive feedback as to our controls, their understanding and any new issues that need addressing.
On 18 October 2006, Platinum® were the proud winners of the Best Workplace Health and Safety Practices in Small Business Workcover NSW Safework Awards 2006.
On 23 April 2007, Platinum® were the proud finalists of the Best Workplace Health and Safety Practices in Small Business Safework Australia Awards 2006.