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Top tips for importers navigating the Christmas shipping period
Most importers will be well aware the Christmas rush is almost upon us. Each year it seems the festive season, (and the increase in consumer purchasing that comes with it) starts sooner. And with that, so does the Christmas shipping rush and subsequent clearance delays. So what does this mean for your business?
Importers, how are you looking for EOFY?
End of financial year is a great time to take stock of the previous year and look at ways to save in the next. If you’re serious about saving money now and in the next financial year, then you need to look at taking advantage of all the Free Trade Agreements (FTA’s) on offer and look at your previous 5 years of shipments for possible refunds.
Importers’ costs likely to bank up after strike
A 72-hour strike by the Maritime Union of Australia at Fremantle Terminal announced yesterday brings strong possibility that importers’ budgets will blow out by as much as thousands, making them the real losers in the dispute. Today the union has confirmed the industrial action will also affect Port Botany operations from April 13. Importers should consider if other ports might also be affected in the coming weeks and plan accordingly.