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It’s Not the duty of Customs to tell you you’re paying too much Customs duty
As recently reported in this story in the Australian (Businessman-alan-thiess-loses-out-on-duty-gst-paid-to-import-yacht), it’s very important to make sure that you’re not overpaying customs duty, and don’t think for a minute that Customs will tell you if you are.
How to avoid an importing horror story
Importing goods into Australia can become an expensive nightmare for those who try to manage it themselves. It’s not uncommon for a novice to experience delays, damaged and missing goods, or extra charges, so it pays to understand the potential importing pitfalls in order to make the right choices. Every country has different importing/exporting regulations, therefore it makes sense to employ the services of an experienced freight management company. Here are some real life importing horror stories.
Importing Aircraft Parts into Australia
Private and commercial aircraft ownership rates in Australia are among the highest in the world. Australia is a huge continent with vast distances between major cities and regional centres. The nature of the Australian landscape, combined with our inherent love of...