Importing health supplements or protein powders

Importing health supplements or protein powders

Hidden traps a customs broker can help you with How much will that bottle of vitamins with super special ingredients or protein powders end up costing you at Customs? That depends, and therein lies the complexity and need for a customs broker. If you don’t get it...

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Off-Road Imports are On The Move

Off-Road Imports are On The Move

A large range of off-road vehicles can be imported into Australia without the need for a Vehicle Import Approval. However, the Australian Customs and Border Protection Service will usually require confirmation that your import doesn't come under the category of a...

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Chinese book printers a boon to Australian importers

Chinese book printers a boon to Australian importers

Book printing is back in vogue, with Chinese printing the low cost alternative to locally produced materials. The quality of book printing in China has improved dramatically, and when coupled with the services of a reliable freight management company, book...

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Cyclists on a winning track: post Tour de France glow

Cyclists on a winning track: post Tour de France glow

Australia can expect a surge in bicycle imports after the success of our home grown Orica GreenEDGE team at the Tour de France trial this year. Importers including individuals, retailers, online and wholesale businesses and sporting teams should be on top of the...

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New Fees for Importers: Happy New Year…

New Fees for Importers: Happy New Year…

Importing businesses are being hit with a double whammy (1) the dollar dropping and (2) an increase in the Customs Import Processing Charge [IPC] effective 01 January 2014. Platinum® Freight Management Customs Broker Peter McRae says that if you have a business...

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Eight tips to save you thousands when importing by sea freight

Eight tips to save you thousands when importing by sea freight

With the growth of eBay shops and other online stores, thousands of home-based businesses are becoming significant importers. Here are eight top tips from Peter McRae, a senior lecturer on customs broking, and one of Australia’s leading customs brokers at Platinum®...

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